Bored At My Grandmas House – Show & Tell
Show & Tell is the much anticipated debut album from Bored At My Grandmas House (aka. 22 year old songwriter Amber Strawbridge). With critical acclaim and deserved plaudits lavished on Amber following her debut EP ‘Sometimes I Forget You’re Human Too.’ Show & Tell carries on the emotive and philosophical threads of the EP, pinned around themes of connection; with yourself, with the world, with loved ones. There is soul-searching, introspection and a challenge to the ways of the world, all packed into 12 hook-filled, shoegaze-fused-indie-pop slices.
+ Dinked Edition No. 283, including exclusive signed and hand-numbered poster, ~brain marbled~ vinyl and 7″ with 4-track demos.
Speaking about the album, Amber explains “I want to understand connections and process the emotions which surround them. The album covers topics of queer love, humanity and it’s ‘delusions of grandeur’, mental health, introspection and purpose. It’s one big project of of self introspection and a guidebook to understanding my brain”