P.G. SIX – Starry Mind
Pat Gubler’s been pedaling his softly-spoken folk rock for long enough to call him a ‘veteran’ at this point, and Starry Mind is exactly what you’d hope from someone who doesn’t have to resort to dropping R Kelly references to get column inches. He might not be injecting anything particularly new into his songs, but there are few solo artists who do a better job of capturing the golden age of Neil Young and Van Morrisson (even Mr Young himself…) than P.G. Six. Gubler’s songs chug when they need to chug and jangle themselves through fresh wet autumnal air – you’d almost think the early autumn release was intended. There’s a damp, musty heart to ‘Starry Mind’, and while Gubler might have positioned himself to look skyward, I get the feeling the truth is somewhere deep beneath the earth itself.